Notes on July 2022’s Full Moon in Capricorn

The full moon in Capricorn on July 13th, 2022 at 11:38 am PST requests we balance self-care with our capacity to get shit done. In Capricorn, the moon finds its value through hard work, labor, acts of service, and being a Boss. With this full moon moving towards a conjunction with domineering Pluto and a trine to the Asc in detail-oriented Virgo, there’s a dramatic emphasis on our impetus to put plans into action. Pluto’s involvement punctures time-space, giving us a daunting power to move things forward and embody unfettered leadership. 

During this lunation, Uranus and the north node sit one degree apart from one another in the 9th house of “god,” religion, and spirituality, forming a (loose) grand trine to the moon and the ascendant. This alchemy between Uranus and the north node shows us that what’s being moved forward by this full moon is not simply practical or survival-oriented, but is a call of fate towards soulful living. This aspect summons us to break bonds with structures and ways of life that have been deadened by stale societal demands.

The urge to reinvent our work and daily habits wells up with intensity: it’s not a choice, but a compulsion and need, to dust off skepticism and tap into the source of creation that gives life meaning. How do we play, express, and pray?

Don’t take it lightly that this trine takes place in the earth signs. This planet, our home planet, is asking for more soulful intention and attention. How can you be an active collaborator with earth and spirit, seeing them as inseparably woven? 


The Spirit of Love


May 15th Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio